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[vdr] Re: OSD redesign in VDR 1.3.x

Andreas Regel wrote:
> Hi,
> Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> > I'm currently beginning to redesign the OSD stuff in VDR 1.3.x
> > in order to make the whole menu display plugin aware.
> >
> > While doing so, I was wondering if anybody (i.e. any plugin)
> > actually uses the functions
> I use them for the osdpip plugin.
> >    cOsdBase::Relocate()
> This is used for moving the picture in picture window, but that could be
> replaced with closing and reopening the whole osd.
> >    cOsdBase::Hide()
> >    cOsdBase::Show()
> These are used for showing and hiding the secondary window that shows
> some channel information. I don't know how to replace this code. A
> possible solution is to fill the window with a transparent color, but
> this would be very tricky in 256-color mode.
> Andreas

I have already replied to a similar question from Sascha Volkenandt
(which was by private mail).

It should be possible to reserve two colors in the 256 color palette
for black and white and draw the "secondary window" over the actual


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