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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] AutoCutter 0.1.1


> The Finnish TV typically has semitransparent channel logos in 
> the upper
> right corner of the screen during the program and, as you said, it
> disappears during commercials. So could noad be easily used here also?

You wil have to try it yourself :) Also see my previous post.

> How does one teach the channel logos to noad?

Not at all - it tries to find them on it's own.
If it does not work then you should tell the author - he might be able to chhange that ;)

> The audio-switching feature is not much of an issue since at least in
> the FTA channels there have been only a few 5.1 test transmissions. Of
> course, this might (hopefully) change in the future.

I hope that too :)

btw. are my answers correct or are they starting a new "thread" ?
If not I will have to try to find a solution - we are now using Outlook/Exchange here.

Christian Jacobsen

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