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[vdr] Re: Yet another nvram wakeup problem

Sergei Haller wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Ora Järvinen (OJ) wrote:
>> If I do something like
>> nvram-wakeup -s $((`date +%s` + 1200))
>> lilo -R PowerOff
>> reboot
>> the system wakes up as specified. [...]
>> Mar 18 12:28:20 vdr nvram-wakeup[637]: The changes to take effect,
>> you must reboot your computer now.
>> Mar 18 12:28:20 vdr nvram-wakeup[637]:
>> Mar 18 12:28:20 vdr vdr-addon-nvram-wakeup: nvram-wakeup: everything
>> ok - need to reboot first
>> Mar 18 12:28:20 vdr shutdownvdr: Next Timer in 21 minutes, shutting
>> down with: /etc/init.d/vdr stop ; sleep 1 ;
>> /usr/sbin/specialshutdown
> you have to check that /usr/sbin/specialshutdown does what you want
> it to do.

Thanks... but what do I want it to do?

Currently, it does exactly the same thing that works manually:

lilo -R $TITLE
shutdown -r now

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