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[vdr] Re: AW: OSD redesign in VDR 1.3.x

> The extended plugin interface will allow a plugin to define the way
> the menus will be drawn (aka "skins"). Basic functionality will be done
> in VDR itself. Features like the one you described will eventually go
> into the core VDR at some time. A "skin" shall _not_ introduce any
> different functionality, it shall _only_ modify the appearance of the
menus (it may,
> of course, decide to display additional information or introduce its own
> symbols or whatever, but what you described is too fundamental for a
> plugin and is something I do want to have in vanilla VDR, too).

Ok, I mixed up the different things.
But it is not planned to enhance the plugin-interface in such a way, isn't
Wouldn't it be at least possible to call a plugin from within a dialog with
the selected item as parameter, e.g. to get additional file infos or other

I know, you don't want to "marry" vdr and plugins to much.
But wouldn't this increase the useability of vdr, e.g. you don't need 2
browsers for the recordings.
And there would be many interesting things for this.


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