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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] AutoCutter 0.1.1

Esa Loukkola <> writes:

> --On 19. March 2004 22:29 +0100 the Noad <> wrote:
> Of the Finnish channels, Noad seems to work OK on the channels(MTV3,
> SubTV) where the logo has a high contrast, especially after some
> tweaking. Some channels(at least Nelonen, haven't tried it on YLE
> channels) however have low contrast logos and the software "loses" the
> logo whenever there is a background that camouflages the logo well
> (e.g. light sky or suitable texture). This varies by program, as
> naturally not all programs have such scenes.

Yes, I also noticed this when I used noad to recordings from Nelonen and
MTV3+. The first one got cutting marks everywhere but the right places
and the latter didn't get anything.

BTW, what kind of tweaking are you referring to? I ran both versions
(0.3.2b and 0.4.0) just with the default options.

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