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[vdr] Re: final solution to the signalless operation problemfound!! -> testers+RFC required

Just to be sure : this kind of thing can't appear in a setup with only a single budget DVD card and softdevice/softmpeg, because there is no ARM, no firmware, etc. at all.
Am I right ?


Andreas Share wrote:

On Wednesday 24 March 2004 21:59, Andreas Share wrote:

this is only an workaround for use without signal...because you canīt do
anything against bad weather conditions or some other things causes a

good signal the ARM (firmware) *must* never crashed under this

And, so many other receivers around use the the frontend and tuner,

such problems.

Because the older driver works much more solid under this conditions,

3+4 could cause the problems.
Has this bug been introduced by the time-shifting firmware?
If this holds true, the bug _can_ be fixed in the firmware.
One of the firmware gurus should have a look what has changed there or
these problems will never end.

Yes, only upgrading the driver (to API3) and vdr "introduced" the errors on
my system, without any change in my hardware;)

BTW, I tested no-signal operation with a DVB-S 1.3 and a DVB-S 2.1.
The 1.3 always crashes after a short time while the 2.1 has no problems
at all. I'll have a look on the tuner output with an oscilloscope as
soon as my time permits.

The 2.1 seems to be less sensible then the 1.3er...but the problem also
exist, especialy in form of UPT errors. There were also many reports from
DVB-C and DVB-T user with the same problems (but other frontends).


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