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[vdr] Re: Recording, Watching and AC3 on the same Transponder?

On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 04:06:04PM +0200, Rantanen Teemu wrote:
> I've noticed somewhat similar:
> Sadly nobody bothered to answer, not even Klaus.
> I think the live-tv can be identified with the following rule:
> 	Device->IsPrimaryDevice() && ChannelNumber ==
> Device->CurrentChannel()

Hmm ... the Problem is: Before actually switching to a new channel
_not_ on the same transponder all receivers have to be detached.
This is done with the channel number 0 within device.c (search
for MsgChannelSwitch).

Now I've done a small change which uses for attaching always the


instead of channelNumber argument of ChannelSwitch().  This avoids
the change of the other audio pid but it remains a small pause within
the audio stream because of the audio pid is detached and afterward
attached again.

If MsgChannelSwitch would also include the transponder information
the plugins receiving data would be able to avoid such a detach.


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