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[vdr] Re: commercial vdr box

"Adrian P Challinor" <> wrote:
> This raises various questions about GPL code. Maybe someone here can tell me
> if my understanding is correct. 

> You can use GPL code provided you provide the source or links to the source
> code with your product. You may not claim ownership of the code, copyright
> it etc. If you modify the code in anyway these changes need to be fed back
> to the originator of the code. 

No, yes and no.

It is sufficient to provide the source on request. As far as my
understanding of the License goes, the target audience that can make this
request is the recipient of the product, not any third party.

There is no obligation to feed your source-changes to the upstream

PS: Unlike the old-style BSD license, there is no obligation to include
the copyright information in advertisement - such as a website.


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