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[vdr] Re: commercial vdr box

Fabian Kronner <> wrote:

> > You can use GPL code provided you provide the source or links to the
> > source code with your product. You may not claim ownership of the
> > code, copyright it etc. If you modify the code in anyway these
> > changes need to be fed back to the originator of the code. 
> No, yes and no.
> It is sufficient to provide the source on request. As far as my
> understanding of the License goes, the target audience that can make
> this request is the recipient of the product, not any third party.

i don't think so. you have to provide the sources "the same way" as you
do with the binaries. if sombody got the binaries from a third person,
he may request the source from you, at least by mail order.

> There is no obligation to feed your source-changes to the upstream
> maintainer.

thats true, as i know now.


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