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[vdr] Re: commercial vdr box

Am Sa, den 27.03.2004 schrieb Clemens Kirchgatterer um 19:50:
> if sombody got the binaries from a third person,
> he may request the source from you, at least by mail order.

wrong. he may request the source from the third person because the third
person distributed binaries.

these discussions suck. why don't you just read the linux kernel
archives or some other spammed lists where this kind of discussion pops
up every once in a while? there you could learn a lot, for instance that
these discussions are useless. they don't change anything. italian law
applies here. are you experienced with it?

according to common sense you only have the right to get the source code
if you bought such a thing becauso only then you received binaries from
the manufacturer.

and you can only claim license violations if you are the licensor. who
knows.. maybe Klaus decided to choose a different license for them?

Have fun,

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