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[vdr] Termination when recording encrypted channels

I read in the archives that people have problems with recording encrypted
channels. From what I read, there wasn't a solution but those messages were
kind of old. Just wondering if this has been addressed recently and if there
is a workaround.

The following is the output of the error:

[dan@typhoon-class-server dan]$ cat error.msg
Mar 26 09:52:29 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: switching to channel 496
Mar 26 09:52:47 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: timer 1 (496 0952-1252
Mar 26 09:52:47 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: record
Mar 26 09:53:20 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: ERROR: no useful data seen
within 10490964 byte of video stream
Mar 26 09:53:20 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: ERROR: no useful data seen
within 10496980 byte of video stream
Mar 26 09:53:20 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: initiating emergency exit
Mar 26 09:53:21 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: emergency exit requested -
shutting down
Mar 26 09:53:24 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: ERROR: thread 3434 won't end
(waited 3 seconds) - cancelling it...
Mar 26 09:53:24 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: timer 1 (496 0952-1252
'@Three's Company  ') stop
Mar 26 09:53:27 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: ERROR: thread 3434 won't end
(waited 3 seconds) - cancelling it...
Mar 26 09:53:33 typhoon-class-server last message repeated 2 times
Mar 26 09:53:33 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: saved setup to
Mar 26 09:53:36 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: ERROR: thread 3434 won't end
(waited 3 seconds) - cancelling it...
Mar 26 09:53:39 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: ERROR: thread 3434 won't end
(waited 3 seconds) - cancelling it...
Mar 26 09:53:39 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: stopping plugin: sc
Mar 26 09:53:40 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: stopping plugin: remote
Mar 26 09:53:40 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: exiting
Mar 26 09:53:40 typhoon-class-server vdr[3434]: emergency exit!

[dan@typhoon-class-server dan]$

VDR terminates without recording anything. From a programming standpoint why
does the lack of useful data cause an exit? What is the danger if it doesn't
exit, I guess is what I am asking.



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