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[vdr] Re: vdr 1.3.6 use wrong epg event for serie recording

> Hi,
> second try, with log and the right vdr version number;)
> vdr 1.3.6 use wrong epg data for (daily) recording a serie...
> ---
> Logfile.....
> ---
> In the second record the title is after pid changing at the end ok;)
> If i record some other event (eg a movie) with normal time buffer at the
> beginning and the end (5min), all summary entry´s are ok.
> there were no such problems with vdr <= 1.3.4 .
> Some idea?

Ok, i try myself;)

Problem is, vdr linked timers without vps to wrong events....

Mar 29 21:05:03 vdr vdr[2820]: timer 1 (59 2014-2103 'Farscape - Verschollen
im All') set to event 30.03.2004 19:25-20:15 'Stargate Kommando SG-1'

Mar 29 21:55:04 vdr vdr[2820]: timer 7 (59 2104-2155 'First Wave - Die
Prophezeiung') set to event 30.03.2004 20:15-21:05 'Farscape - Verschollen
im All'

Because the events already set, vdr do not run in
cRecordControl::GetEvent(void) witch use the epg info at the middle of the

I think, this events are nesassary for vps recordings, but if we record
without vps they could cause i think we should only set this
events together if  vps....but maybe there is an other solution;)


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