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[vdr] Re: Maintainer DVD-Plugin?

Dr. Werner Fink wrote:

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 01:42:11PM +0200, S. Ullrich wrote:

Does anybody know what happened to the maintainer of the dvd-plugin?
As mentionted before in this list, he didnīt send any messages since a long time,
and since 2003-11-11: Version 0.3.4-rc10 there were no new releases/versions.

As there are still many problems to solve in the dvd-plugin ( higher cpu-load
with rc10 etc. ) it would be nice if the maintainer could give a statement if he
is just out of time or discontinued the work on that plugin at all. For that case
maybe a new maintainer could be found. ( not me, not enough experiences &
absolutly not enough time ;-)

Hmmm ... maybe Sven is just out of time. This is one of the
real rare resources.

Have a look onto


If this is the case, it would be nice if he could give a short statement about how work
on the dvd-plugin should be continued...
This should be possible even if someone is out of time.
Some people tried to contact him directly per pm without response, and the homepage
wasnīt updated since somewhat 2001...
So one short message from him like "sorry guys, no time till 2005" or "doing something
different, someone else should continue the job" and we know whatīs going on.


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