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[vdr] Re: VDR 1.3.6: Strange SEGFAULT in libsi/si.h

On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 14:27, Marcel Wiesweg wrote:
> Am Freitag, 9. April 2004 11:22 schrieb Laurence Abbott:
> > I'm getting random seg faults with the dxr3 output plugin. How can I use
> > gdb to debug this? I have tried running vdr from within gdb but it
> > always just stops when it forks, saying it's waiting for a signal! I
> > have tried "set follow-fork-mode child" but it still did the same.
> Perhaps you try not running VDR in daemon mode?
> I have no problems running
> gdb --args /path/to/vdr -x -y -z
> Or your installation of gdb is somehow broken.

Definitely not running as daemon. Hmmmm...I will do some more tests...



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