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[vdr] Re: How to debug recordings menu problems


im using VDR 1.2.6 but have that problem too:
In case the OSD menu pops up and has to wait a long time until the action is 
finished, VDR restarts. I can reproduce this when some cutting process is 
running and I start the mediadetection plugin to view a DVD. It also 
happens when I call NoAd from the recordings commands menu (NoAd then runs 
in the foreground).

Ingo, in your case I guess it lasts too long to scan the /video folder.
Slow harddisc? No DMA? Big video partition with lots of nested folders? 
Cutting or NoAd process running in the background?


On Wednesday 21 April 2004 20:21, Seeberg, Ingo wrote:
> Hello there,
> I'am using VDR 1.3.5 with AIO4c and some plugins of course.
> Sometimes it causes too much time to open the recordings menu and VDR is
> restarting.
> With a compiled version on my old system (it crashed and I had to set it
> up again) it worked fine - but with the new installed system the problem
> starts to "take nerves" ;-)
> Anyone an idea howto debug or probably already a solution?
> Thanks in advance
> Ingo

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