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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] Remote Control Plugin 0.3.1


there is bug fix release of the Remote Control plugin.

It can be downloaded from
See README for details.

Short description:
This plugin extends the remote control capabilities of vdr.
The following remote control devices are supported:

(a) linux input device driver ('/dev/input/eventX', X=0,1,2,...)
    - built-in remote control port of the av7110-based DVB cards
      (aka full-featured cards), e.g. DVB-S Nexus [1]
    - remote control port of some budget cards, e.g. Nova-CI [2]
    - other input devices (not tested, please report success!)
    See file FAQ for a list of cards which have been reported to work.

(b) keyboard (tty driver): /dev/console, /dev/ttyX

(c) TCP connection (telnet)

(d) LIRC

[1] supported by DVB and dvb-kernel
[2] supported by dvb-kernel only


2004-04-28: Version 0.3.1
- Fixed gcc 3.4.0 compilation warnings.
- Fixed high cpu usage while waiting for a tcp connection
  (thanks to Frank Krömmelbein for reporting this one).
  Replaced delay_ms by usleep, because delay_ms does busy-waiting.

Have fun,

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