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[vdr] Re: vdr-xine plugin


Denis Grilli wrote:

I use vdr-xine plugin with a budget-card...
The plugin work fine but ther'is a little bug (also documented) when using osd scaled and channel have low resolution: osd is clipped on the rigth...
Ther'is a patch to solve this problem??If not,it is a problem that can be solved in the future or it is a limit don't correctable??
Well, almost everything can be fixed, if one spends time on it. Currently, it has no high priority for me.

On the other hand, development in xine goes on too, and once there was a discussion about the future of OSD. Currently, it seems that the unscaled OSD is the favorite solution. Maybe future output drivers support semi-transparent color keying, which currently is the major limitation of xine's unscaled OSD.

Another way would be, to drop using xine's OSD for implementing VDR's OSD. By using xine's post-processing plugin API, proper blending would already be possible. But that's another story :-)

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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