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[vdr] Re: Editing the Tid from VDR's OSD?
> How is that? Is there an algorithm to do this math? In
> general I don't believe
> that there is such a correlation - maybe some provider has
> invented such a thing
> for their own purposes, but AFAIK the standard doesn't mention that.
> AFAIK the NID and TID define a particular transport stream
> and are independent
> of the actual transponder frequency. What strange channels
> are these that jump
> around like that, changing both transponder frequency _and_
> TID at the same time?
> There is no way such a channel could be followed
> automatically - unless there
> is some additional information in the data stream that VDR
> doesn't process yet...
> Klaus
In North America, AFAIK, there has always been a direct correlation b/n the
freq. and the Tid. All of the providers that I have seen behave in this
fashion. In Canada, the providers seem to make a sport out of jumping the
channels to different transponders every few months. In every case, I have
always been able to match a specific Tid with a specific transponder
frequency (and the relationship between the two never changes). If one
changes, then they both change. It may not be the correct standard, but it
seems to be how they always do it. Here is an example of how I parse the
sdt for a FTA channel in North America:
<version id="27"/>
<section id="0" max_section="0"/>
<network id="4100" tsid="6"/>
<service id="213" ca="0">
<descriptor tag="0x4a" data="001310048ffd02" text="......." />
<description tag="0x48" type="154" provider_name="NASA" service_name="NASA"
<descriptor tag="0x93" data="028a" text=".." />
<descriptor tag="0x86" data="0101002c00ffff" text="......." />
<stream type="2" pid="5922">
<stream type="4" pid="5923">
<iso_639 language="eng" type="0" />
If I am tuned to channel 213, and parse the channel, the results will always
give me the correct Tid (tsid). If no vpid/apids are displayed, then I know
my channels.conf is not tuned to the correct frequency. I can look up on a
table what frequency is related to Tid=6 (which is always 12297 in this
case) and fix it. I currently do not have the source code for this parsing
application, but I may be able to find it if you think it would help. But,
VDR seems to already be capable of determining the correct Tid/Nid values on
its own from the stream as it is. I would just like to be able to edit the
channels.conf and fix a channel so the epg is displayed properly w/o having
to stop VDR. In North America, that would mean having to change both the
freq. and the Tid if a channel has changed tranponders.
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