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[vdr] Re: Streaming Recorded Shows with VLC

On 2 Jul 2004, at 17:12, C.Y.M. wrote:

I am attempting to stream vdr's recorded shows with VLC to Windows Media
Player. I am using the following command:

vlc -vvv '/path/to/recording/001.vdr' --sout
'#transcode{vcodec=DIV3,vb=512,acodec=mp3,ab=112,channels=2,hq,deinterl ace}:

This works fine, except I am not getting any audio... Does anyone have a
suggestion or has done this before? Does anyone know what format the raw
"001.vdr" files are in? I think that VLC needs the stream to be in PS
format for it to work correctly, but I am not sure.
I've played with VDR, streamdev-server and VideoLAN client, and found
that VLC doesn't understand the audio, so my streams are mute. Switching
to MPlayer (as the client) gives me working audio.

Have you thought of an automated way to stream VDR recordings?

Has anyone?


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