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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-xine-0.4.3 plugin

Thomas Weber wrote:

Jacek Popławski wrote:

On Wed, Aug 04, 2004 at 07:19:02AM +0200, Thomas Weber wrote:

I wonder, however, if its possible/planned to enhance the plugin to play also other media types like divx or mp3?
I don't get it. What's the point to play divx in xine-vdr plugin when xine can
do it itself?

The point is to get a consitent look and feel...
One could use VDR's OSD to select the movie just like the mplayer plugin does and one hasn't to fiddle with lirc xine/vdr/xmms/.. config because there is only the VDR to control.
That would also allow to have a light setup, with no X (ie. no XMMS, no Xine-gui, etc.) : VDR with softdevice on DirectFB would play every format...
That's a kind of mix between VDR's recordings manager, the MP3/OGG plugin (for media selection), the DVD plugin, etc.
A consistent and strong architecture would highly involve Klaus and the core VDR, I think.


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