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[vdr] Re: softdevice crash in libasound

Dominique Dumont wrote:

Nicolas Huillard <> writes:

Are there known bugs in libasound ? In conjonction with ffmpeg ? The
video and audio are still a lot jerky on many channels : any ideas
what to update ?
I also use debian and alsa lib 1.0.5 (with 1.0.4 drivers).
Oops : I think I'll also have to recompile the kernel to get the 1.0.5 drivers as well...

I also get chopped sound and video. The log shows a lot of under run
in alsa.

But the problem gets better or worse depending on the sound device
opened by softdevice (you may tinker with audio.c to change the alsa
I suppose it's the
char *device = "plughw:0,0";
line ?
How can I list the available devices and how could I choose one that could be better ?

By the way : I not only want to improve choppy and jerky sound and video. I also want to get rid of good old crashes... No idea ?


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