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[vdr] Re: softdevice 0.0.7 cvs crash tests...

Nicolas Huillard wrote:

Stefan Lucke wrote:

I tested my change with your three streams (took only 001.vdr files). The only
difference I see is ffmpeg (vdr1.3.12, gcc 3.3.1) mine is:
[softdevice] ffmpeg version(0.4.8) build(4700)
I'll check tonight if the errors I see are the same as previously.

Argh : the errors do not occur this time ! I must have not installed the new softdevice when I tested this yesterday. I don't believe it...
So you're right : all three recordings play well with your mods... They play well with kernel 2.6.7 and 2.4.26 (simple reboot) : I wondered why the kernel would make softdevice crash...


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