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[vdr] Re: Looking for testers: streamdev-0.3.3-pre2

Am Samstag, 14. August 2004 12:36 schrieb Rantanen Teemu:
> > so I hope I'll get some feedback..
> For some reason the compilation fails:
> 	client/menu.c:66: error: syntax error before `*' token
> I cannot see anything wrong there, perhaps my compiler is broken:

I assume you use a VDR < 1.3.7? Try putting a forward declaration of that 
class on top of client/menu.c:

 #define CHNUMWIDTH  (numdigits(Channels.MaxNumber()) + 1)

+class cMenuEditDateItem;

 // --- cMenuText ------------------------------------------------------------

> The server does compile without problems, but when testing it with
> 0.3.2-pre2 on client it crashed instantly.

Well they are indeed incompatible...


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