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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer plugin 0.9.4 (development)

Sebastian Kemper wrote:
> Stefan Huelswitt schrieb:

>> What do you mean? It's not possible to switch channels while a
>> player is running.

> Yes, that's right. While tuning to another channel ths plugin exits. Of 
> course I can't use the number block on my remote to switch, and the Up- 
> and -Down keys are also reserved for the mplayer plugin. But I would 
> expect that I can change the channels with the Ch+ and Ch- keys on the 
> remote control. But doing so not only switches the channel it also turns 
> the mp3-plugin off. I'm surprised nobody reported this here yes :) It's 
> been working this way since I remember the first use of VDR (~years).

I think it was reported on, but obviously never here.

I also observed that the mp3 plugin exits if a recording starts and I'm
not sure whether it is also true for the mplayer plugin - have to
recheck. Hope to do it tonight.


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