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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-epgsearch-0.0.1

Sir James Lachtveel wrote:

-----Original Message-----
Subject: [vdr] [ANNOUNCE] vdr-epgsearch-0.0.1

Differences: The red key is not used for recording, but displays
the repeatings of the selected entry. With the blue key, you can
enter a search menu. Here you can add, edit, delete and start
searches. In the search edit menu, you can define your search
criterions, like the search text and others.

The setup menu gives you only the option, to hide the plugin
in main menu.

Have fun!

Christian Wieninger

Hi Christian

When using epgsearch if you select a show .. and hit okay .. the show
description is shown .. from that window if you hit the blue key for
"switch" instead of changing channels vdr shows you the search window where
you previous searches are stored .. i think this maybe a bug not sure.

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Very nice plugin indeed. Thanks for putting out the work. Another thing that would be nice if it is possible would be when you do a search and pull up the listing it found, if the show was currently playing, it would be nice if you could switch to that channel from there.
I too have the problem on switching from the main part of the guide.
Thanks again for a well needed plugin.


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