At 23:00 03.11.2004, you wrote:
I have been using NPTL without any apparent major problems since VDR
recently began enabling support for it. VDR (1.3.14) seemed to be
able to handle NPTL except I did notice that there were a few "ERROR:
thread %ld won't end (waited %d seconds) - cancelling it..." errors in
the logs once in a while. But, since I have been using vdr-1.3.15, it
seems to crash (sometimes) when NPTL is enabled and a timer goes off
to record. I know I have mentioned this already in several mail
threads with "questionable" topics, but perhaps NPTL has something to
do with my "ERROR: video data stream broken" errors. I have now
disabled NPTL and I am waiting to see if that fixes the problems I am
having with timers crashing VDR. Perhaps this is why Klaus does not
see any problems because he is not testing it with NPTL enabled. VDR
(1.3.15) with NPTL disabled has been running now for 12 hours with out
crashing and with one successfull timed recording. I do not know if
this is the actual cause of the problem, but it seems to be the only
major difference between my test scenario and Klaus'.
I'm new to VDR, just did my first installation with a Hauppauge Nexus-S
+ SkyStar2 on a Gentoo system with kernel and NPTL enabled. I
used the ebuild from gentoo-de, which installed vdr-1.3.14-r3. When I
start VDR everything seems to be working, I can zap channels, operate in
the menu, but when I try to pause a live-recording, it always does an
emergency exit initated by "ERROR: video data stream broken". Here is my
log, maybe it has something to do with NPTL, or otherwise someone
hopefully can tell me what's the problem: