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[vdr] Re: poisoned vdr plugins

Reinhard Nissl wrote:

C.Y.M wrote:

Anssi Hannula wrote:

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

Now, does anybody have any idea why these changes would cause all
the described malfunctions in plugins?

Is everybody who has encountered problems with plugins *ABSOLUTELY*

  make plugins-clean clean vdr plugins

before running VDR with the modified thread.[hc]?

Yes, I did.

I also am positive I cleaned the src tree before building. Take a look at the log when vdr attempts to initialize a stream (when using the new threading). What is happening is that VDR is creating THREE receiver threads when it should only be creating ONE. If I go back to the previous threading model, only one receiver thread is initialized and everything is fine.

I've realized this too with vdr-xine and vdr-osdteletext. I've tracked this down to cThread::Start() where childTid is used to guarantee that only a single thread is started even if Start() is called multiple times.

But this test doesn't work anymore for 1.3.17 as the time is too long until the child thread sets this variable to a value <> 0.

I've already informed Klaus about this issue. Maybe an additional flag should be added that will be used for this test now in 1.3.17. And I think it would also be a good idea to synchronize calls to Start() from multiple threads.
Actually 'Start()' should only be called from the thread that has created the cThread
class. Anything else could be considered a programming error.


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