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[vdr] Re: How to do a (full) channel scan within VDR?


Joerg Knitter wrote:

If you donīt have all available channels/transponders in the channels.conf, " chan x" does not help. And " scan" did not work on a single card system when I tested it last with VDR 1.3.12 - I have a dual card system so I donīt have this problem.

Any other possibilities to find new channels on a one-card-system?
When you have a single budget card system and use vdr-xine then transfer mode is active all the time and no complete epgscan can happen even it is started from the epg setup with the scan button (VDR will just scan the current transponder).

Isn't it that VDR drops transfer mode to do a complete epg scan if there has been a long time of user inactivity?

Anyway, replaying a recording and pausing it will release the single device from transfer mode and VDR will start an epg scan after 60 seconds.

Be aware that due to the paused recording VDR will not shut down as it would do when transfer mode is active.

I'm just thinking about adding a similar feature to vdr-xine: when xine is not connected to vdr-xine, vdr-xine will play the NO SIGNAL recording and pause it to release it's transfer mode receiver device. Just on connect by xine, vdr-xine will stop playing it's recording and live TV will continue just as it is currently happening all the time. But it should not hinder VDR to shut down due to user inactivity. At least this issue should be solved before such a feature can be implemented.

Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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