Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
Andreas Regel wrote:I am experiencing two problems with radio recording:
1. When recording a radio programme, it is not possible to listen to the station being recorded, all others on the same transponder work.
This should be fixed by the attached patch.
It is. Thank you.
I tested it with 1.3.20 using several long (~60 minutes) radio-recordings from different stations. But the problem is still there.2. When replaying a radio recording and doing a fast forward, vdr exits with a segfault. The progress bar always shows a value between 10 and 11 minutes. Here is the backtrace for this error:
I'm using vanilla vdr 1.3.19 with a single DVB card.
I wasn't able to reproduce this (at least not with VDR 1.3.20, maybe you could
test again with that one).