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[vdr] Softdevice Problems
I want to set up the softdevice plugin because i've destroyed my tvout :-(
it starts but i cant see anything on screen. i'm using vdr-1.3.20, cvs
softdevive and cvs DirectFB. Hardware are G450, 1 FF and 1 Budget
till now there was ONE TIME a picture an screen and vdr says
on next start it hangs there:
vdr01 # vdr -c /etc/vdr -P 'softdevice -vo dfb:mgatv' -l 3
[softdevice] processing args
[softdevice] argv [0] = softdevice
[softdevice] argv [1] = -vo
[softdevice] initializing Plugin
[softdevice] Initializing Video Out
[softdevice] ffmpeg version(0.4.8) build(4707)
[dfb] init
(*) DirectFB/Config: Parsing config file '/etc/directfbrc'.
---------------------- DirectFB v0.9.22 ---------------------
(c) 2000-2002 convergence integrated media GmbH
(c) 2002-2004 convergence GmbH
(*) DirectFB/Core: Multi Application Core. (2005-02-11 21:37)
(*) Direct/Memcpy: Forced to use MMXEXT optimized memcpy()
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Fusion Dispatch' (MESSAGING, 12933)...
(!) DirectFB/FBDev/vt: FBIOPUT_CON2FBMAP failed!
--> No such device
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'VT Switcher' (CRITICAL, 12954)...
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'joystick'
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'ps2mouse'
(*) Direct/Modules: suppress module 'lirc'
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Linux Input' (INPUT, 12996)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: DVB on-card IR receiver 0.1 (convergence integrated
media GmbH)
(*) Direct/Thread: Running 'Keyboard Input' (INPUT, 12997)...
(*) DirectFB/Input: Keyboard 0.9 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Genefx: MMX detected and enabled
(*) DirectFB/Graphics: Matrox G450 0.7 (convergence integrated media GmbH)
(*) DirectFB/Core/WM: Default 0.2 (Convergence GmbH)
[dfb] RAM: 16773120 bytes
[dfb] Accellerated Functions: FillRectange DrawRectange DrawLine
FillTriangle Blit StretchBlit All
[dfb] Drawing Flags: Blend
[dfb] Surface Blitting Flags: BlendAlpha BlendColorAlpha Colorize
SrcColorkey Deinterlace
[dfb] Supported video Modes are: 768x576@32 768x576@32 640x480@16 720x576@16
720x576@16 720x576@16 768x576@16 800x600@16 1024x768@16 1280x1024@16
1280x1024@16 1600x1200@16 640x400@16 400x300@16 320x240@16 320x200@16
[dfb] Enumeratig display Layers
Layer 2 FBDev Primary Layer Type: graphics
Caps: brightness contrast saturation surface
Layer 1 Matrox Backend Scaler Type: graphics picture video
Caps: brightness contrast deinterlacing dst_colorkey screen_location
Layer 0 Matrox CRTC2 Layer Type: graphics picture video
Caps: brightness contrast flicker_filtering hue field_parity saturation
[dfb] width = 720, height = 576
[dfb] got fmt = 0x00418c04 bpp = 32
[dfb] Using this layer for OSD: (Matrox CRTC2 Layer - [720x576])
- videoonly
- flipping
- videoonly
[dfb] Using this layer for OSD: Matrox CRTC2 Layer
[dfb] Using this layer for Video out: Matrox CRTC2 Layer
[dfb] (re)configuring Videolayer to 720 x 576 (720x576)
[dfb] creating new surface
[dfb] (re)configured 0x00200806
[softdevice] Video Out seems to be OK
[softdevice] Initializing Audio Out
[softdevice] Audio out seems to be OK
[softdevice] A/V devices initialized, now initializing MPEG2 Decoder
how can i debug anything or could someone help me plz
Best Regards,
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] VDR version 1.3.20 started
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading plugin:
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/setup.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown config parameter: LiveMultichannelAudio
= 0
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown config parameter: PlayMultichannelAudio
= 0
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown config parameter: RecordDolbyDigital =
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/sources.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/diseqc.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/channels.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/timers.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/commands.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/reccmds.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/svdrphosts.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/ca.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/keymacros.conf
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown plugin 'mp3'
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown plugin 'epgsearch'
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown plugin 'trayopen'
Feb 11 23:13:51 [vdr] ERROR: unknown plugin 'osdteletext'
Feb 11 23:13:52 [vdr] found 2 video devices
Feb 11 23:13:52 [vdr] initializing plugin: softdevice (0.0.8): A software
emulated MPEG2 device
Feb 11 23:13:55 [kernel] matroxfb: cannot set xres to 720, rounded up to 736
Feb 11 23:13:55 [vdr] setting primary device to 1
Feb 11 23:13:55 [vdr] SVDRP listening on port 2001
Feb 11 23:13:55 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/themes/classic-default.theme
Feb 11 23:13:55 [vdr] starting plugin: softdevice
Feb 11 23:13:55 [vdr] loading /etc/vdr/themes/classic-default.theme
Feb 11 23:13:55 [lircd 0.7.0] accepted new client on /dev/lircd
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