On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 12:01:04AM +0200, Hans de Goede wrote:
Here is release 0.3.8:
During Debian packaging I've created four patches. Maybe you want to apply them to your sources:
Linking statically requires to specify all dependent libs. This patch writes the Required: field into the pc files.
Sometimes it is useful to build a static lib. With this patch you can type (after a make clean) make LINKTYPE=static to get a static lib build.
I wanted the patch be as less intrusive as possible. The downside of that approach are the 'shared' object file names for PIC and non-PIC code. So you need always a 'clean' between two different lib types.
Using libtool would be an alternative, or maybe storing the non-PIC objects somewhere else or renaming them ...
The Debian packaging environment sometimes specifies CPPFLAGS at the command line. This overrides the ../include and the build fails.
The linux includepath seems to be useless for the majority of the lib users.
remove_hardcoded_gcc.diff -p0
I think there is no need to (semi)hardcode gcc as the compiler/linker. The system defaults should be working fine.
Cheers, Gregor
PS: My current packaging progress is attached to http://bugs.debian.org/488117