

2001-04-10   Announcement: DVBCC Module, second public release

DVB Caroussel generation software for LinuxTV

DSM-CC (Digital Storage Media - Command and Control) is a very recent ISO/IEC standard developed for the delivery of multimedia broadband services. The MPEG-2 ISO/IEC 13818-1 Standard for encoding/decoding of video streams contains an early version of DSM-CC where a simple stream control protocol for MPEG-2 Transport Streams is introduced.

The DSM-CC standard is used by many broadcasters to transmit software applications to set-top boxes. There is no free implementation of the DSM-CC standard for the client-side available yet. However, for a start you might be interested in the server side.

Oleg Checkulaev from the German research project DVBCC announced:

The second public release of our DVB carousel generation software is available for download at

It is licensed under the Gnu General Public License.

After downloading and unpacking the software, some preliminary documentation can be found in


A mailing list is available via

Thanks Oleg!


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