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Revision as of 14:21, 17 March 2018 by Redeemer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hey! I'm interested in components and PCB layouts of cheap USB DVB-T2 hardware. You are welcome to ask questions about any of the devices I own (if you don't have an account...")
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I'm interested in components and PCB layouts of cheap USB DVB-T2 hardware.

You are welcome to ask questions about any of the devices I own (if you don't have an account here, you can use Twitter). I cannot say much about Linux as I'm a Windows user.

My Devices


DVB-T RealTek RTL2832U devices

  • Logilink VG0002A (FC2580 version)
  • Terratec Noxon DAB Stick (E4000 tuner)
  • noname (R820T tuner)
  • noname (R820T2 tuner)


  • Pinnacle PCTV Sat


DVB-S2X and pretty much anything