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OK, I give up...

			Hi Linux DVBers,

	I'm now ready to give up EOL and I'm near a depression right now :(
Every time when I manage to setup the damned thing of EOL on my Linux
machine they change something and so on.
	So couple of month ago I set-up the Cyber Login thing on my Linux proxy
and worked reasonable well, but after a lot of struggle because my DVB
card is a TechoTrent one and the driver didn't support that but only the
original Simians and so on.
	I was forced by circumstances to let that setup idle and when I come
back on it I see that now they modified the driver for windoze that
allocate the board an address depending on its MAC address and no more
Siberia Logic.
	Good, I sayed, and grabbed the latest drivers ( 0.5) that compiled and
installed flawlessly on my machine like this:
[root@sat /root]# cat /proc/modules
 msp3400                12136   0 (unused)
 tuner                   3568   0 (unused)
 dvb                    33028   1
 VES1820                 3224   0 (unused)
 VES1893                 3636   0 (unused)
 saa7146_v4l            14904   0 (unused)
 saa7146_core           13628   0 [dvb saa7146_v4l]
 videodev                2560   2 [dvb]
 i2c-core               10364   0 [msp3400 tuner dvb VES1820 VES1893
 pcnet32                10816   1 (autoclean)   

The device activated:

[root@sat /root]# ifconfig
dvb0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:02:C1:E7:FD:86
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100

I echoed 0 to the /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/dvb0/rp_filter

	I grabbed the dvbd2.tar.gz compiled, edited /etc/dvbd.conf and launched
it on transponder 113 and 115 ( I have a fixed polarity LNB so no 114 ).
	With trace off it spits in the log something like:
Sync[127]: OK
	on both transponders, and with trace on it spits on console some info
that unfortunately I can't make head or tail of it but maybe you can
help me:
For transponder 115:
Fsync = 0, Freq = 1177750000, Sync = 127 Afc = 2406250 Agc = 207
(variable) Nest = 12544 (variable) Vber=0

For transponder 113:
Fsync = 0, Freq = 1147250000, Sync = 127 Afc = 1375000 Agc = 159
(variable) Nest = 9984 (variable) Vber = 0  

The fields marked with variable change its values from one display to

	And that's it, no packets show on interface, no ping of proxies, no
telnet on port 8080, nothing :(((((((((((

	I mention also that in dvbd.conf I set symbol rate at 22000000 for
Astra and activated the filters 512, 785 ant the one with board MAC

	So if you had patience and read until here please tell me where I'm
wrong or pointers to RTFM or something or just only if the drivers work
with Techno Trend board or I have to hunt for a patched version.

			Thank you,

			Mircea "exhausted" C.

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