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[linux-dvb] Re: VDR deletes recording ?!?

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> The actual files are removed once VDR actually needs the disk space
> for an ongoing recording. Of course you can remove all directories
> named '*.del' yourself, too.

Actually, that would leave garbage behind if you have more than
one video disk, as vdr only renames the directories in the primary
video disk. I have written a tiny shell script that gets rid of
*everything* that has been deleted. 

Klaus, I think your idea of not removing but renaming the directory
to keep the response faster is good, but the idea to remove the
stuff during recording is bad, because then it may hurt the recurding.
Would it not be best to remove the files when vdr is absolutely idle
(i.e. when it starts the EPG scan)?

> > ps: carstens idea to rewrite the firmware on outcommand errors sounds
> > good to me. the errors seem not to be related to the osd, last times
> > vdr crashes always in the night with no aimed remote in sight.
> Version 0.68 of VDR scans the channels to collect EPG data.
> Apparently the driver/firmware still has a problem when the channels
> are switched frequently. To avoid the crashes you can comment out
> lines 309 and 310 in 'vdr.c' (which disables the EPG scanning).

But that gets rid of a feature that you have just implemented
and the driver still hangs - just not as often. Much is lost
and little is gained. If I have time next weekend I'll try to
make the driver mod.


-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar --
-- File: remove_deleted_videos

#!/bin/csh -f
cd /video00
foreach d (*/*.del)
   eval rm -rf '/video0?/'$d:r'.*'
rmdir /video0?/*

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