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[linux-dvb] Latest CVS driver and CA recordings

I was hoping to be able to finalize the NAPI adaptation of VDR
this weekend, but there are apparently still some severe problems
in the latest CVS driver with encrypted channels.

The biggest problems are with the ORF channels. Sometimes I don't get
a picture on the video output of the DVB card (no matter whether I
do a recording or just tune to that channel). When I do a recording
it sometimes works fine, on other occasions the data coming from the
Transport Stream contains video and audio packets (0xE0 and 0xC0),
but inside these packets there are no "00 00 01" markers (there _is_
a lot of data in the packets, but nothing that could be detected as
"picture_header", "slice" or the like).

Also, when switching between encrypted channels, I often get segfaults
inside 'ioctl()'.

With FTA channels everything appears to work quite well so far, but
I can't release a new version of VDR before these CA issues have been solved.

I might add that the ORF channels work fine here with the driver 0.8.2 (with
the patch mentioned in
and VDR 0.72.

Could one of the driver developers please look into this, or tell me what
I could try to debug this problem? I'd really like to finally finish the NAPI
conversion and continue implementing real new features in VDR ;-)


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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