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[linux-dvb] Re: AW: VDR 0.80pre8, current CVS OSD problems

"Marcus O.C. Metzler" wrote:
>  > >
>  > > grk .. should have come up with that myself. 12 works like a charm.
>  >
>  > So above all else this appears to be hardware dependent, too.
>  > Guess I'll need to make the OSD retry opening windows with smaller
>  > and smaller sizes until it succeeds. Just hope there will be enough
>  > memory left for at least a few lines of OSD...
>  >
>  > Klaus
> Why don't you use less colors? That way you can keep the number of
> lines.
> Marcus

I'm already down to 16 colors. The next lower number would be 4, and that's
to small, because we already need red, green yellow and blue for the four
colored buttons, and then there's the background, white black etc...

I'm currently thinking: would it be possible to rearrange the audio/video
packets in VDR when recording, so that these audio underruns would no longer
occur? That way we might be able to get back the OSD memory.

The idea is that the overall timing of the a/v packets must be ok, since
it works when viewing the live broadcast. During the several conversions
on the way to the recording file the packaging apparently gets changed in a way
that there are too many video packets in a row and the next audio packet comes
too late (please correct me if I'm wrong here). So the whole problem would
appear to be solvable if VDR would hold back the video packets just long enough
until the next audio packet arrives, and then deliver several of the video packets,
then the audio packet, and then more video packets - and then start all over again.
The overall error can't accumulate, since in long term viewing the a/v timing
must be ok.

I hope I'm making some sense here and would appreciate any comments on this idea.

What I would need to learn about is, if I have a sequence of a/v packets, like

  V V V V V V V A V V V V V

which should actually be stored as 

  V V V V V A V V V V V V V

(note that the A packet moved a little to the front): how can I tell where to
insert the audio packet? Any ideas?


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
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