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[linux-dvb] Re: Inserting a splitter in the DVB-Driver

Hello Markus!

Markus Winkler wrote:
> > > Regarding patching the driver to multicast the TS, I don't think that's the
> > > right place for it.  This seems a task best suited to user-space.
> >
> >I also think so.
> Why? In my opinion, it should be very easy to dump the ts-data to the
> network from inside the driver. Sure, you dump what you see on tv, but
> that's exactly what i want.

IMHO kernel modules / drivers should be as small as possible and should
contain only an abstract interface to the hardware. They are difficult
to debug and there are more bugs with more functionality.
This dump-what-you-see is a very special case and would be quite unique
to the dvb driver.
What I would like is, if RTP/RTCP would be implemented like UDP and TCP
(in the kernel) and if the dvb driver could use this i2o protocol from
Intel (?) to send transport streams (or whatever) directly to any other
i2o device e.g. a network card or maybe the network stack.
But that's just an idea and I don't know if it's possible.


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