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[linux-dvb] Re: DVB API registration info, please wrote:

Yes, I plan to do that (seems only fair, the code looks like the Frankenstein offspring of Florian's dummy adapter code and your ttusb code with my reverse engineered stuff thrown in ;).
(no problem, we're used to read frankenstein-offspring code;)

However, I'd like to get it to a point where it will stream, and, perhaps more importantly, has some mutexs. I wouldn't like to rmmod it at the wrong time, right now ;)

I reckon that it should reach that point sometime in the next week.
we just commit'd an updated version of ttusb driver to the dvb-kernel source tree, please take a look if this is of any help for you...

While we're on the subject, I have a few questions, as I'm new to this:

1) Seeing as portions of code are just cut & paste from Florian's and your code should I put a copyright for you guys or a credit somewhere, and if so, where should it go?
I can only speak for me -- I don't care about my name in your code, just handle this like you want to do

2) The code is currently ~20k (without bootcode). Is that too big to post to the list without getting flamed? :)
I have a website I can host it on if so.
no problem, send it off-list to me and the interested persons. If you post an additional link to your homepage, great!

In any case I'd like to get your code into CVS as soon it does something useful, maybe in an extra branch like the 'experimental-pinnacle' one...

3) There is an ARM bootcode header made from a Hauppauge binary. I'm guessing that Hauppauge would rather I didn't publish it everywhere. I should just give instructions of how to make it with fdump, right?
It's usual to include binary firmwares in the driver code, I would handle this here the same way.

4) Is there anything else I need to know?
just ask if you have any questions,


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