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[linux-dvb] SkyStar2 rev. 2.6B/2.68 problems using dvb-20030905

 I have a big problems with my new DVB-S SkyStar 2 TV (rev. 2.6B/2.68)
based on B2C2 FlexCopII
using with dvb-20030905 drivers (I also tried other versions unsuccessfully).
Details are included in my Linux DMESG log-dvb-20030905.dmesg attachment.
 In general, I'm using Mandrake with kernel 2.4.21 with GCC 3.22
and AMD K6 500Mhz on ASSUS P5A-B (K6 enabled in kernel configuration).
 I have problems with frontend; other needed devices are registered
under my DEVFS properly.
 I tried to use mt312 frontend, but it seems to be problem in
mt312_read function which returns -121 and everything goes wrong,
however other DVB devices are regsitered, but no frontend !!!
 In source code I found that this SkyStar2 driver is
ONLY for old one rev.1.3 and 1.95-is it true?

 I'm using two Golden Interstar's(DIGITAL KU-BAND LNB Univwersal SINGLE MODEL
GI-201) converters with Disec swhitch with my DVB card...
I have to change LNB conwerter?

 I also tried oryginal B2C2 SkyStar2 drivers
and it seemed to work Ok, but while I have new kernels with newer version
of GCC those drivers are unsusable without B2C2 inc. recompilation,
while no source code available...

 Any suggestions are welcome.
Are there possible hardware incopatibility?

  Can anyone help?

Best regards.
Szczepan Konieczny
Linux @ IBM AS/400 RPG Programmer

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