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[linux-dvb] Re: Linux DVB API 4 Q's


Rob.McConnell@Zarlink.Com wrote:
> Sorry, my mistake.  I understand that you will have a /dev/dvb/adapter0/ci0
> and /dev/dvb/adapter0/ci1 device node for 2 slots (or N slots) independent
> of whether the same TS is delivered to each or whether you have a separate
> TS routed to each CAM.

I planned to have one device per slot, named ci0..ciN, but Ralph hinted
that it might be useful to know which slots "belong together" by naming
them ci0_0, ci0_1 .. ciM_0, ciM_1. I like my simple approach better, but
someone might need the information that two slots operate on the
same TS only.

V3 hat one ci device per CI controller, and the slotnumber was a
parameter for ioctls, or was prepended to data read from/written to the

> Do we intend to add extra #defines from ca.h in V3 to dmx.h in V4?
> e.g. struct ca_descr_info

I think DVB_DMX_CAP_NUM_DESCR_KEYPAIRS would be sufficient. Maybe
DVB_DMX_CAP_DESCR_ALGO (bitset), too?


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