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[linux-dvb] Re: Nova-t works only with a soft reboot from Windows

Hamish Moffatt wrote:

On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 12:23:23PM +0200, Markus Peuhkuri wrote:


-#define DVB_TDA1004X_FIRMWARE_FILE "/etc/dvb/"
+#define DVB_TDA1004X_FIRMWARE_FILE "/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/"

The kernel configuration lets you set the path, but it seems to be
ignored. I didn't check the code, I'm only observing based on the fact
that I set it to /etc in the config and the kernel still used /usr/lib.

The lines above - together with their #ifndef DVB_TDA1004X_FIRMWARE_FILE (...)
#endif context - look OK to me. Can you check whether there actually is a DVB_TDA...
definition in your .config?

Can somebody als enlighten me to the internal workings of request_firmware from
firmware_class.c? As I understand it, this procedure sets up a node somewhere in the
/sys hierarchy and then alerts the hotplug scripts to copy the firmware to that node.

However, request_firmware only ever receives a name for the firmware file that is
29 chars in length (it will truncate the rest, if I read the code correctly). That name
is definitely lacking a path, so how do the drivers actually pass the path to
request_firmware? Or don't they and the hotplug scripts look in their default

I'm sorry for the questions, but I just can't read firmware_class.c.


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