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[linux-dvb] Re: Kernel oops with ttusb_dec

> Does this mean that the kernel from SuSE has no internal crc32 functions?

Sod's law, really.  After digging around in various kernels, it seems that the 
crc32 function that the ttusb_dec uses first appears in kernel 2.4.22.  For a 
quick fix, cut these lines out of ttusb_dec.c:ttusb_dec_boot_dsp() :

        crc32_csum = crc32(~0L, firmware, 56) ^ ~0L;
        memcpy(&tmp, &firmware[56], 4);
        crc32_check = htonl(tmp);
        if (crc32_csum != crc32_check) {
                printk("%s: crc32 check of DSP code failed (calculated "
                       "0x%08x != 0x%08x in file), file invalid.\n",
                        __FUNCTION__, crc32_csum, crc32_check);
                return -1;

As for something more long term I'm not too sure.  I guess it depends on what 
version of the kernel is considered the minimum requirement for the next 
tarball release of the drivers.


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