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[linux-dvb] Re: Kernel oops with ttusb_dec

> Sod's law, really. After digging around in various kernels, it seems
> that the crc32 function that the ttusb_dec uses first appears in
> kernel 2.4.22.


> As for something more long term I'm not too sure. I guess it depends
> on what version of the kernel is considered the minimum requirement
> for the next tarball release of the drivers.

Do a compile time test on the availability of that function? I'm doing
that in the latest development of CIPE (which could perhaps have
avoided the error in the first place :-)

If the checking is really optional, wrapping it in

#if defined(CONFIG_CRC32) || defined(CONFIG_CRC32_MODULE)
#warning "CRC checking not available"

should be sufficient.


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