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[linux-dvb] Re: bt8xx unres syms / Re: Re: linuxtv-dvb-install-destdir.patch

Hello Guido,

On 14.02.2004 22:20, Guido Draheim schrieb:
Johannes Stezenbach wrote:

Guido Draheim wrote:

Johannes Stezenbach wrote:

See README.bt8xx.

Hmmm, it still does not say how to go about it as a packager. As far as
I understand it one should not use dvb-bt8xx on a kernel without the
absolute latest fashion, so in 2.4.21 one should `rm dvb-bt8xx.o` and
not ship it along. Right? (and thereby get rid of the bogus depmod warning)

Ah, that's true. But how could we solve this? IMHO distributions
must either patch their kernel or patch build-2.4/Makefile.
Or we change build-2.4/Makefile to omit dvb-bt8xx.o by default,
or add some logic to detect the kernel patch...

What do you think?

As a packager, a simple `remove` can be done in the packaging script,
no need to clean it from build-2.4/Makefile. The only thing would be
to clarify it, may be add a comment in the makefile itself telling us?
For 2.4, a "dvb-bt8xx" user needs the bttv 0.9.x driver from (and this requires a fairly recent 2.4 kernel). The 2.4 in-kernel bttv driver is not sufficient.

If you want to make sure that a user can use the "dvb-bt8xx" driver in 2.4, you would need to package the 0.9.x driver itself.

For 2.6., everything needed is in the 2.6 in-kernel bttv driver.

just a thought,
-- guido                        

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