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[linux-dvb] More on reading from 4 cards simultaneously


I should have checked this earlier...: If i use TWO processes (the first one
reading from 3 boards, the second one reading from the 4th), i get data from
all 4 boards.

I.e. only if all 4 boards (demux and dvr) are open()ed from the same
process, the first board (dvr) stops giving data to me, as soon as I open the 4th.

I'm currently using a poll() loop to check if data is available. I've also
tried using POLLIN | POLLERR to see if I get errors from the first dvr, but I

Could this be a dvb driver problem, or might it be a general kernel problem?
The problem is the same on kernel 2.4.24 w/ dvb driver 1.1.0 and on a
vanilla 2.6.3 kernel.

Cheers, Johann

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