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[linux-dvb] Re: ARM crashing again

Am Freitag, 27. Februar 2004 22:58 schrieb Gregor Lawatscheck:
> Rev 1.3 and rev 1.5 FF cards have a problem with replaying only, when no
> signal is attached to the tuner! Rev 1.6 and later are fine. I believe

With replaying yes, definitely - but i had ARM crashes also with a signal 
connected, with all versions of drivers.

So if the 1.3 cards have a problem it's always there, just with different 
propability of appearance.

> > Has someone already made such tests?
> Yes, not as thoroughly but I remember I replayed the same samples of
> video-only data in a loop for a couple of hours and made it crash with
> no signal attached to the FF-card. It were short samples of very likely
> 100% perfect data but I wouldn't know how to verify that a sample is
> perfect. I used both mplayer and vdr with the same results.

That lease 3 possibilties:

1. the data are modified by the driver before sent to the hardware 
(MPEG->AVPES?) maybe that fails under rare conditions

2. the firware fails under rare conditions

3. it is a hardware problem

"Optically" the problem appears as following:

The error appears in case of playback if the playmode is changed by vdr, e.g. 
jumping between scenes, slow-forwared, pause etc.

The video and audio disappear and instead green stripes are painted mostly in 
the upper part, sometimes smaller versions/parts of the video appear as a 
stillframe (upper left), often a small audio sample is played in an endless 
loop - which isn't funny if it is the sound of an explosion ;-)

Then the firmware gets reloaded several times, but that doesn't help at all, 
if the watchdog-timer of vdr fires my scripts reload the driver completly and 
_that_ helps. so something initialised at a complete driver reload get's 
overwritten in firmware or driver.

That should close up the range where the problem lays a lot.


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