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[vdr] Re: Channel/Recording Security on VDR

Matthias Schniedermeyer wrote:
> Something like this is the wrong "solution" for a none existing problem.

I agree that it's the wrong solution to lock the kids out
via passwords or other keys.
I have three kids (17y, 5y, 1m) myself.
I am happy that all the doors in my house have no keys in them.
I would feel bad if I needed keys of any kind inside my house.
If I cannot trust my family, there is a problem that needs to
be repaired by means of talking, etc. but not by means of power,
force and mechanical/electronic/software locks.

My 5y old daughter watches little TV (less than 2 hours per week). 
Not, because she does not like to, but because her life is fulfilled 
with more attractive things like spending time with her friends
and family.

When she does watch TV, I do it with her, so I can explain things
and make the experience less threatening and more educative.
As an example, we watched the (IMHO wonderful) cartoon movie
"the last unicorn" together. A fairy-tale full of wisdom and
magic, which, however, also has some cruelties: A fiery magical
red bull chases innocent unicorns. When the red bull showed up,
my daughter asked me to skip the scene, because she did not want
to see the bad character. I was surprised by her great desire
for harmony and happy that she herself wanted to preserve it.
It makes you feel that you did something right as a parent.

Having said that, I am sure, Matthias, that you will understand
that I strongly disagree with your opinion that the problem does 
not exist. I believe that children's souls are like fresh clay.
It's up to us to help shape them into something beautiful or to
allow ugly imprints on them to happen. 

I guess I am an average western european citizen and I admit that
some of the action and violence on TV entertains me. The clay of
my soul is hard enough, so this stuff will not make it much uglier.
It is my own responsibility to reflect upon all the evil I see and
make sure that it argues against itself rather than spreading over
to me. Nobody can expect that from a child under 10. So my small
children will not watch TV alone. And I must create a situation 
where no force is needed to guarantee that.


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