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[vdr] Re: Anyone using NVRAM Wakeup / auto powerdown / WOL

>Furthermore I'd like to use WOL with d-link 530TX and
>could not find helpful info on the web.
>WOL is a good idea to remote-power-on my machine
>when I want to programm the VDR from work ;-)
>(in case the auto-powerdown would work sometimes)

you have to add the following line to the modules.conf

enable_wol = 1

and you have to activate the wake on lan in the bios + connect a cable
from your NIC to your MB. Then you have to use a tool like WinWake and
send a magic packet to the NICs HEX-Addres (ifconfig should give you
this. Looks like XX.XX.XX.XX.XX)

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