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[vdr] Re: vdr-1.1.12 Configuration of buttons on RC

Stefan Lang wrote:
> Hello Dirk,
> thank you very much!
> The every day-question from my girlfriend "Where is the button x?" or "Why is
> button blue now function "y"?... two seconds ago in the menu it was function
> "z"! is over now........ I hope!
> The problem is always the same:
> Girlfriend can't access the vdr --> Girlfriend hates vdr -> Computer-Fuzzy
> gets "german mecker" when hacking on the vdr system in the evening!
> BTW: To Klaus! homogens and logical access to the vdr via RC is IMHO not so
> unimportant.  PPL will never accept vdr when they have to press the
> "down-button" for pausing the system!

Well, on my RC (and several others I've seen) the "Down" button *IS* also
labelled "Pause".

But before this whole key thread starts all over again, here's how I'm
intending to do it:

- there will be a whole set of new, dedicated keys, like "Pause", "Stop",
  "Channel+", "Channel-" and so on and so on...
- all dedicated keys will work regardless whether there is currently a menu
  open or not (so "Channel+/-" will switch the channel even if you are in
  the "Timers" menu, for instance, or if a player is running; and "Pause" will
  pause the currently running player even if you are browsing some file list)
- when learning the remote control keys, the user can define all the keys
  the actual RC has, and simply skip the ones it doesn't.

Again, of course, the basic operations as they are implemented for RCs with
only the basic keys will remain untouched. But then again, somebody who actually
_has_ a "Pause" button should have no problem with the "Down" key performing
pause, too. And if a particular player believes it has to use the "Down" button
for a purpose other than "Pause", then it will have to implement it that way.
However, that will mean that this player *requires* a dedicated "Pause" key
to work - whether or not that's a good idea is up to the programmer of that
player. VDR's own player will keep working with the smallest set of keys.


Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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